Friday, April 13, 2012

Part 10 : Bump Mapping with CrazyBump

In this post, I'm going to use normal mapping to "fake" details on the cube. I will also add specularity which will make those details pop out. There's a few software products out there that generate normal maps automatically by analyzing a texture.

As it turns out, CrazyBump is pretty neat one, and as of this writing, the mac version is in public beta. When it's no longer in beta, well, you can either find another software, or, ahem... do what you have to do.

As usual, here's a link to what I've done so far: Project

I've taken the time to add a few more comments and fix some things here and there.

First things first, you're going to want to install CrazyBump. When that's done, run the program, click open and select "Open photograph from file". Then, browse to wherever the texture we've been using since the beginning is, and open it. CrazyBump can't open PVR files, so you need to find the original PNG texture. After a few seconds, you're going to be presented with a choice between two shapes. 

The dark regions represent bumps that are the deepest, so choose the right image, where the cracks are dark.

After you make your choice, you'll be presented with a 3D preview of what the normal map can do. In the preview panel, you can change the shape to a cube, so you'll have a pretty good idea of what it will look like on our cube.

In the main panel, there are a ton of sliders you can use to customize the normal map, and I encourage you to play around with them and watch the result in the preview window, because... well... it's super fun.

When you're done fooling around, click save normals in the main window, and save the texture as SquareTexture_NRM.png, which will be the default name. When you open the normal map, it should look something like this:

This, right there, is the information of the normal vectors, coded as RGB colors. What we're going to do is load this file with GLKTextureLoader, then we'll sample it in the fragment shader to do per fragment lighting calculations, instead of per vertex calculations like we did before.

But first... I want you to compress this file exactly like we compressed the texture, because I won't load a 512x512 PNG file in my program. When that's done, add SquareTexture_NRM.pvr to the project.

Now you need to load that file in the program. To do that, you'll need a new GLKTextureInfo property which you will add to your private interface:

@property (nonatomic, strong) GLKTextureInfo *normalMap;

Don't forget to synthesize your property...

You load the normal map exactly like a texture, this way:

Now, when you do lighting calculations in your fragment shader, you're going to do them in the tangent space. That's because it's simply easier that way. In the tangent space, you have three vectors describing the origin: the normal (red), which we already have, the tangent (green) and the binormal (blue), which we don't have.

If you have two of them, you can calculate the third one since it's orthogonal to the other two. It's also possible to calculate the tangent using the surrounding vertices, and this is usually what I've seen being done. But, since I'm drawing a cube, and that the tangent values can be deducted easily, I'm just going to add them to the vertex data array. This means that I will have the tangent value for each vertex.

If you want to read more about the tangent space, I suggest you follow this link:

Since I've added more data, I'm going to change the stride again and add a new attribute pointer, as well as update the other attribute pointers to reflect the change of stride. This will all be done in the ViewDidLoad method.

I've also modified the draw loop just a bit, since we have two textures, we're going to have to use two channels to sample them. In the DrawInRect method:

Now, onto the shader code, starting with the vertex shader:

What's new:
  • (attribute l. 9) The tangent: VertexTangent0
  • (varying l. 11) Position in tangent space: PositionTS (which we will also use as a temp var)
  • (varying l. 12) Light direction in tangent space: LightDirectionTS
  • No more LightColor: lighting will be calculated in the fragment shader using the normal map
And now the fragment shader:

What's new:

  • BumpSampler to sample the normal map
  • The three varying variables passed from the vertex shader
And here's the result:

Here's the final project with bump mapping: Project


todd412 said...

This site is great! Extremely helpful perspectives on a very difficult subject. Esp. with regards to GLKit and its strengths and weaknesses. Kudos.

If you are planning to add more, might I suggest a demonstration of the use of multiple objects (with different shaders perhaps) and the use of shadows. Perhaps one object that casts a shadow on a second object?

Gabriel Gohier-Roy said...

Thanks for the comment!

I always wanted to do more, but what I lack of with my new job is time.

If I ever get back to writing more articles, there was a couple of things I had already planned, some of them in the line of what you suggested.

1) Do an update on GLKit with iOS 6. I didn't check yet but I'm hoping that they added more features with the new version of iOS.

2) Putting together a scene (Multiple objects)

3) Uber shaders (Multiple shaders)

4) Simple effects (Possibly shadows like you suggested)

This blog was a pet project during my last year in College and also during the 3 month break I took right after. Hopefully I will find the time to write some more!